2012 Annual Report


The Ondo Divisional Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ODCCIMA) in conjunction with Ondo Youth Development Initiative (OYDI) organized a workshop on the 14th of July 2012 for which Motel Ondo Plaza was the major sponsor, with the theme: Effective Strategy for Economic Development of Ondo Kingdom.


p02-who_is_thisMr. Tomi Ikuomola Addressing Attendants of the Workshop


p01Workshop Banner



The objective of the seminar was to enlighten youths on the need and means to be self-sustainable in order to create an avenue to be entrepreneurs, job creators and provide a livelihood for themselves in their community and the country at large. This seminar was a huge success and the turn out was impressive with over 100 participants


Quarterly Seminars Organized by OYDI

Quarterly seminars were organized by OYDI with Motel Ondo Plaza as the major sponsor.

A special Seminar held on July 26, 2012 with the theme: The Role of Youths in the Development of the Society had a turnout of about 80 participants. We had dynamic resource individuals who spoke to the participants. The Seminar was addressed by High Chief Ilemobayo Akinnola The Lisa of Ondo kingdom. We had in attendance Dr Femi Awani (Commerce and Industry Expert, Mr. Gbenga Ogundeji (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria—SMEDAN ) represented by Mr Tomi Ikuomola (Small Scale Business Establishment and Management Expert), Miss Ify Odo (Renowned Fashion Designer – Misiano House of Fashion), Mrs Mary Agbajoh (Youth Development Advocate, Chief Greg Akinsipe, (Agricultural Expert and Member of the Ekimogun Green River Project, a body of farmers).

p02Chief Ernest Olufemi Akinmade (OYDI Launcher)


p01High Chief Bayo Akinola (Lisa of Ondo Kingdom), Delivering his Welcome Address


p04Dr. Femi Awani (Commerce & Industry Expert)


 p03Mr. Yele Akinsepe (Case Study, Quarry Development)


p08Ify Odo (C.E.O Misiano House of Fashion) Fashion & Entertainment


p07Attendants at the OYDI Seminar


Another Two Day Seminar was held on September 26 and 27, 2012 at the Motel Ondo Plaza which was the major sponsor. Over 90 participants attended and the theme was The Way Forward.

p02 Ify Odo (Left) & Mr. Tomi Ikuomole (SMEDAN Akure)



p04Attendants Having a Group Discussion



The role of SMEDAN  is to shed more light on the various ways business plans could be written so as to gain access to needed funds to start up a business. The agency is solely established by the Federal Government of Nigeria to see to the need of up and coming small and medium scale businesses so that more jobs can be created which would in return bring about growth and development to our great nation Nigeria. The Agency has been a pillar of support and encouragement to OYDI programmes.

Wema Bank Officials were on hand to discuss the roles of banks in funding small and medium enterprises and how business plans are evaluated. The bankers were upfront about discussing the loan process and this helped the youths to appreciate the trust behind loans.

The participants later broke into their various groups – classified namely: Agriculture; Fashion Designing; Business/ Merchandising; Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Metal/Industry/Manufacturing; and Wood Work. All these are functional groups supported by OYDI with synergistic cooperation amongst members. The seminar created an avenue for group members to network within their areas of specialization. Preliminary business plans were submitted by some of the participants.

Ten of the preliminary business plans for N500,000 or lower have been evaluated and approved for direct funding by OYDI starting January 2013. Other members with high capital requirements have applied to SMEDAN for support.


Ekiti Trade Fair

OYDI participated at the 2012 Ekiti Trade Fair from October 22nd-26th with the support of Professionals Experts and Energy Company (PEECO) Ltd and Motel Ondo Plaza. Members displayed their products and represented Ondo Kingdom very well. By the Grace of God, OYDI will continue to showcase products from Ondo Kingdom hence we should strive for quality products which OYDI stands for.


p06Mr. Olawale Fasanya (Head of Dept, Strategic Planning & Policy Coordination, SMEDAN HQ Abuja


p02Soap & Starch Produced by OYDI Member


 p04OYDI Coordinators



Where are we Today?

In fulfilling the programme’s aim to breed successful entrepreneurs, 106 serious youths have been identified and are being assisted with training and support. The programme will help create jobs, make youths become entrepreneurs and achieve their goals in life, eradicate poverty and unemployment among the youths in Ondo state. The response has been very encouraging and we are moving ahead to train fashion designers (22 are currently actively under training with sewing machines allocated to them), carpenters, metal workers and agriculturists (setting up or expanding) to be self-sustainable, creating partnerships where feasible. We are trying to put in place a revolving loan scheme aimed at funding and establishing businesses owned by youths that will create jobs, grow and in turn bring development to the society at large.

Finally, we thank God Almighty, who has been our strength, and our partners, Century Energy Services Limited, Nigerian Agip Exploration Ltd, and Motel Ondo Plaza who supported the launching in 2008 and most especially Motel Ondo Plaza that has continued to maintain and sustain the programme.

We believe we can continue to count on your support.