Q: Can we meet you Sir?
I am Rev. Isaac Damilola Akinwale, the Executive Secretary of Ondo Development Committee (ODC). I give all glory to God for yet another opportunity to serve in this capacity. I am a God fearing person and my watchword is “Godliness with contentment is a great gain”. I am always positive and see everything possible by the power
of Almighty God.
Q: When did you assume this office?
I worked in government circle for 35 years, precisely Ondo State Radiovision Corporation. I retired as a Director in the year 2013, 22nd May. To the glory of God, I started working as Executive Secretary of Ondo development committee after I had been interviewed; I assumed office on the 6th January 2014. I immediately swung into action of fulfilling the mandate before me.
Q: Can you unveil what ODC is all about?
ODC is a body set up by the Osemawe in council in the year 1988. The aims and objectives of setting
up ODC is to serve as pillars of development for the people of Ondo, and to also bridge the gap between Ondo indigenes in diaspora and the city at large fostering unity, harmony and development for the land.
It was quite thoughtful of the members of Osemawe in council under the leadership of Late
Oba Adekolurejo Jisomasu III to have given it a thought that a body which will be saddled with the
responsibility of development in Ondo Kingdom be set up.
ODC happens to be the only vibrant nongovernmental body set up by the community to
strive for the development of the people and Ondoland educationally, economically, politically
to mention few. Anything that can facilitate development for Ondo Kingdom is what ODC
stands for.
Q: What are the contributions of ODC in Ondo
city for recent years?
The contributions of the ODC in recent years have been enormous. Right from its establishment,
development has been on course. In those days, before the emergence of ODC, hardly would you see an Ondo
indigene occupy sensitive positions within the nation (i.e education, politics, business, government, etc).
Today, reverse is the case; At Federal and State levels, offices are being occupied by sons and daughters of Ondo Kingdom, through this formidable body ODC. The ODC serves as a catalyst that propels our people to go into various
capacities to become leaders in fore mentioned areas.
ODC encouraged Ondo indigenes to participate in the politics and governing of Nigeria and beyond with ample support, creating boldness for them to take their rightful position in all ramifications.
Q: What is ODC doing to tackle unemployment
tussle within the city?
ODC has done so much as regards that. To start with, Ondo City is the only community that housed
the only magnificent Event Centre made available to the peoples use for functions. Let’s not forget that hall, which was built by the people of Ondo City from their contributions to the city’s development. The said hall however, has
been very useful to the people. An individual who saw this magnificent centre appreciated the people of the community for their contributions and decided to plough back to the community from what God has blessed him; he decided to build the other two edifices for the usage of the people and Iam talking about no other person but Chief Sasare.
Good enough the emergence of these halls have created employment opportunities for our people, asides the engagement of secretariat workers who are paid monthly. Whosoever has an event here engages the services of vendors like musicians, caterers & servers, decorators, securities, local drummers, etc., and these individuals get paid for the services rendered. ODC has expanded further by establishing a Radio Station, “Eki fm”, the first ever in Ondo city history, transmitting on 100.9. It was set up for the use of the good people of Ondo. Though, it was capital intensive because millions of naira went into its establishment. It is well equipped and staffed.
ODC also has large hectares of land available to Ondo Ekimogun Youth Congress to promote Agricultural operations. This land was given to Ondo youths at no cost as a means of empowerment. It is also to check mate all manners of vices in the land. In addition, ODC has 3 ICT Centres within the city. Primarily set up to educate our youths on modern technology, to become compliant.
Q: How will you describe the present situation of
the unemployment rate within the nation using
Ondo city as a case study?
The issue of unemployment is alarming; the reason behind this is the fact that the nation lacks national planning. Government not having plans and functional structure to solving various challenges facing unemployment. Employment opportunities are not provided by the government seemingly leaving many graduates to leave in penury. Another reason for unemployment is traceable to noncreative attitude on the part of some of our youths. .
The youths should wake up and utilize the power of creativity to empower themselves. No government can satisfy its citizens or human race. Though, it is expected that the government should encourage youngsters in craft works such as fashion designing, carpentry, plumbering and the likes through various empowerment schemes. Youngsters should seek opportunities in various fields. They should deviate from the act of quick money syndrome and be very far away from illegitimate activities/crimes like internet fraud, popularly known as yahoo-yahoo, and focus more on how to impact the society positively with their God given talents/gifts. White collar jobs are no longer remedy-heat of unemployment. We should all be job creators not just job seekers.
Q: What has been the impact of ODC in
alleviating poverty in the city?
Being a considerate organization, the ODC has been supporting the youths with loan facilities at low interest rates which is very insignificant. ODC set aside a sum of N5Million yearly as loan package for Ondo indigenes to trade business. Interested members are often interviewed by a panel set by the body, thereafter evaluating the business proposals presented. Such loans are given through micro-finance banks to assist locals and improve their standard of living. Seminars, workshops and conferences are organized for orientation and re-orientation amongst the youths
and good people of Ondo, for effective livelihood. Security summits are regularly on board in an attempt to strengthen security awareness within the city, spreading lovable and peaceful atmospheres, driven towards community advancement via programs and regulations.
Q: Describe the responsiveness of our youngsters
towards available opportunities provided by
Those who want to tap the opportunities are given, very few are ready to change their life status. A revolving loan is to be paid back to the organization for others to access it. In a situation where some beneficiaries don’t pay back the given loan becomes problem to the body. It is not good for the system. Our youth are filled with questionable characters some are lazy, even to work is burdensome, this is the attitudes of our youths towards life changing programmes orchestrated by ODC. The attitude calls for serious attention.
Q: What is your expectation in this year 2017
Ekimogun Day celebration?
It is 30th celebration of the Ekimogun Day annual event. We expect all sons and daughters of Ondo kingdom to come and celebrate yet another year of fruitfulness and providence contributing
fi n a n c i a l l y t o w a r d s t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a l programmes of the city. The only source of financial generation is through Ekimogun day celebration. The money realized is used for developmental projects in the city. If we all contribute generously to the projects at large, the city stands to enjoy its revolutionary expansion beyond limits. ODC has a lots of projects awaiting delivery but are hindered by financial constrains. The better we contribute the good for the land and the dwellers.
Q: Your advice to Ondo City youngsters?
The youngsters in Ondo city should be more industrious, God fearing, content, and shun all manners of vices. They should not be over ambitious rather ambitious to be great. They should be more creative in all respects, think of
artisan jobs abound and take advantage of them not okada rider but crafty works that can give them a fortune. Unfortunately, Ondo youngsters are not ready to do so call dirty jobs. Youngsters should learn to do legitimate businesses. This is a call to awareness. Long live Nigeria! Long live Ondo State! Long live Ondo City!

Rev. Damilola Akinwale
Exec. Secretary, ODC