About us

Vision and Foundation

The Ondo Youth Development Initiative (OYDI) was established in 2008 by Chief Ernest Olufemi Akinmade. The programme was created to provide an outlet for the yearnings and innovative abilities of many young adults in Ondo town, Ondo state, Nigeria.

The typical Ondo town youth is faced with a variety of socio-economic challenges such as unemployment, violence, crime, drug abuse, early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. Many of our youth are full of energy, enthusiasm, creativity and have aspirations but they are inexperienced in life lessons and lack guidance/mentors to deter them from risky choices. The determined few have no means of making their dreams a reality.

Ondo elders not only excelled in the agrarian sector, they were also accomplished businesspeople who had visions and established businesses such as quarries, metal and wood factories, agro allied projects to mention a few. Unfortunately, most of the businesses are now moribund for various reasons. The resultant effects are the social problems we face today including unemployment and youth restlessness.



The goal of the Ondo Youth Development Initiative (OYDI) is to give opportunities to youths by promoting self-development and empowerment which in turn leads to self-employment, skill acquisition and personal growth. OYDI has established a number of youth development centers in Ondo town and has successfully encouraged young adults to put their vocational training such as tailoring, wood and metal fabrication etc. to use in order to produce various items/goods for domestic and international consumption.


Future Plans

The Ondo Youth Development Initiative (OYDI) was occupying a 5 year leased property at OYDI Center, Housing estate bus stop, Ondo /Akure ring road in Ondo town. We were approached by the owners to acquire the place based on the lease agreement. The negotiation has been concluded by Motel Ondo Plaza for  the sum of N Six (6) million naira; which has now been paid. We are confident our friends will continue to support us.

The Tailoring Center is doing well and plans to acquire a Tubular / Cap Embroidery machine with sequin device. This machine can store up to 1,000,000 stitches and produce up to 99 patterns and designs.  This machine will serve as an asset to the Center and also help generate funds as it can be made available to tailors and designers without such equipment at affordable rates.

The Tailoring Center will step up the production of shirts, uniforms, fashion dresses, household items especially when the current students graduate in March.

In 2013, at the Wood Fabrication Center, we plan to include the production of some finished educational items and mid-stream construction and internal décor items for which we will procure some special machines to ensure high quality and good finishing.

The Metal Fabrication Center is still at inception. However God willing, we will not relent in our efforts to achieve our dream for the youths in Ondo Kingdom. We need all the support we can get to restore the place.

The Ondo Youth Development Initiative hopes to:

  • Integrate realistic perspectives and skills of youth with the experience and wisdom of the elders.
  • Offer the youths the opportunity to become self dependent and useful individuals in our society.
  • Allow young people work in full partnership – envisioning, developing, implementing and evaluating programs together – with Youth or Adult led initiatives.


We need your support and patronage to create a solid foundation for our youths.

Thank You & God Bless!

– Chief Olufemi Akinmade

(Bameto I of Ondo Kingdom)