We thank God for all the progress recorded at OYDI since inception to this moment. We sincerely
appreciate the dogged commitment of the Initiator, Chief Ernest Olufemi Akinmade to this initiative
and development of Ondo land especially the Youths. Our gratitude goes to the Chairman and
Members of the Board of Trustees both far and near for the contributions and support at all times. It is
noteworthy to mention few changes that had occurred in OYDI especially at the Administration
level. After the exit of Mr. Oludaisi Niyi in March 2015, Mr. Adeleye Adewale was employed in May
2015 to coordinate the programmes of OYDI till date. Miss Toyin Adewole was relieved of her duty
in December 2015 as Administrative Assistant of OYDI Centre Igba and she was replaced by Miss
Adewole Ayonitemi in January 2016, who is also tasked with the Coordination of the Centre as well
as development of Business Ideas that will ensure self-sustenance of the Centre. Mr. Eniola
Omokoku was also employed in January 2016 to be in charge of publicity, mobilization and serve as
liaison officer for the Organization. Miss Titilayo Alabede an old graduate of OYDI replaced Mr.
Akakpo Austin a Togolese on the 1st of July 2016 as the Head of the Tailoring Unit. We pray this new
set of people will help move this organization to greater heights.
The following are the people serving currently with the Organization as management;
1. Mr. Adeleye Adewale Richard – Programme Coordinator/Manager
2. Miss Adewole Ayonitemi – Centre Coordinator/Administrative Assistant
3. Mr. Omokoku Eniola – Programme Liason/Publicity Officer
4. Mr. Akakpo Austin – Tailoring Tutor
5. Mr. Otunla Adegunwa – Fishery Tutor (Beneficiary/Volunteer)
6. Mr. Orisamuyiwa Dickson – Entrepreneurship Training & Development(Beneficiary/Volunteer)

The following activities took place since December 2014 till date;
1. Restructuring of Fashion and Fishery training programmes, Maintenance of sewing machines,
embroidery and monogramming machines.
2. Purchase and presentation of new sowing machines to new Tailoring Graduates. 29 Machines had
been given so far in the last eighteen months.
Procurement and Presentation of Two new shoe making machines to two physically challenged
young men residents at Ogbonkowo street in ondo.
3. Clearing of Metal Fabrication Centre at Ugboje Community along Ore road
4. Discussion is on-going with the Ugboje Community for provision of Security Men for the Metal
fabrication Centre before works can start to restore the vandalized and burnt Center.
5. Securing and clearing of fish ponds at Lipakala Pavilion at Road 3 Funbi Fagun, Ondo under
arrangement with the Akinsipe Family for empowering Fishery Graduates
6.  A One day Seminar was Organised on 28th August 2015 at our Centre tagged Food Processing and
Preservation: Checking wastage and creating wealth in Nigeria. A lecture was presented on
Plantain derivatives and application by Mrs. A. A. Oladebeye, Lecturer, Food Technology
Department, Auchi Polytechnic, Other Speakers include Miss Roseline Owoyemi from OAU ,
and Mr. Otunla a Fish farmer and Mr. Dickson Orisamuyiwa who presented slides on Business
Models. It is interesting to note that both of these men were beneficiaries of OYDI programmes
and had been working closely with the organization. Over 70 participants were in attendance.
7. OYDI was well represented at the 2015 and 2016 Ekimogun Day Celebrations at The Civic Center
Ondo and our products were showcased.
8. Messrs. Modupe, Stephen Akinsunmade, Kola Ajasan, Dapo Ojo were empowered to revive their
Businesses. Mrs. Agnes Akintan was established in Foodstuffs Business.
9. Award of Scholarships and grants were made to underprivileged students in different Tertiary
institutions and Secondary Schools. Following were the beneficiaries;


NAMES                                                                                DETAILS
1. Miss Adetunji Deborah                     Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (B.Ed)
2. Miss Alasan Kuburat                        Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
3. Mr Funmilayo Rufus                        Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba (B.Sc)
4. Mrs. Akinloose Omowumi               School of Health Technology Akure
5. Mr Adebusuyi Adeniyi                      Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
6. Miss Adeyelu Oluwabukola             Adeyemi College of Educatio Ondo (NCE)
7. Miss Olagoke Abimbola                   Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
8. Miss Nifemi Daramola                     Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
9. Miss Akerele Olayemi                      All States College of Education Ero (NCE)
10. Miss Philip Oreofe                          Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
11. Miss Olatuja                                    Miracle Holy Flock Grammar School, Ayeyemi Ondo



Our Goal for Year 2017
Fence off and refurbish the CENTER at Igba.
. The Tailoring unit will be opened to Customers from the Community for patronage
. Our embroidery and Monogramming services will be upgraded.
.Increase the OYDI products and brands
. To complete the renovation of the Fish ponds at Lipakala pavilion at Fagun, allocate them to our youths
and grant soft loans to start off their Fish farming. Our ultimate aim is to increase smoked fish
production in Ondo City.
. Activation of an ICT and Computer Services and Training Centre
. To meet with the Carpentry Association revisit and make the carpentry section more functional by
producing Educational materials such as Desk, Chairs, Tables other Educational wood-based
equipment for Schools through wood fabrications
. To partner with National and International organizations of like minds on youth empowerment and
business development.
. To continue to create more awareness of OYDI activities through features on radio/television, flyers,
partnering with schools, visitation to Establishments within and outside the Community, organizing
educative Seminars, competitive Agriculture and Fashion Shows and Awards for creative ingenuity
among youths.
. Continue to help showcase products by our graduates by participating in States’ and National Trade
Fairs and Shows.
. Economic Downturn and the dearth of Local private and government patronage to encourage
production and keep the youths actively engaged.
. Slow pace of cooperation between Assets Owners (farms, ponds, moribound companies) and
enthusiastic youths who are ready and willing to turn things around on revenue split partnership basis.
. Rural to Urban migration by youths seeking for jobs in fair but more industrialized communities.
.Community’s poor earning power.
. Preference for competition rather than cooperation and interdependence in business relationships
hence most of the businesses remain small: being a reflection of the application of available investment