Presentation of Sewing Machines to Graduants

OYDI Seminar: August 2015 Pictures



Eight years ago Chief Femi Akinmade brought a wonderful seed ONDO YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
PROJECT to Ondo Kingdom. This seed can be compared to the one our Lord Jesus Christ describe in
Mark 4 vs 31 & 32
“It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown to the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in
the earth. But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out
great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.”
The Initiator of OYDP later OYDI like a good farmer prepared a large field and fertilize it to accommodate
the size of this big tree he expected from the mustard seed by doing more than following;
The Initiator of OYDP later OYDI like a good farmer prepared a large field and fertilize it to accommodate
the size of this big tree he expected from the mustard seed by doing more than following;
Setting up of three vocational centre <tailoring, metal and wood fabrication centre> with world class
Acquisition of fesolas building worth millions of naira to accommodate the tailoring and wood
fabrication centre.
Acquisition of 32 plots of land along Laje Road for various youth projects.
Distribution of annual scholarships to both indigenes and non indigenes to further their studies.
Distribution of interest free loan to youths of Ondo City.
Empower programs for youths, widows, women and men of Ondo City.
Seminars and business training programs from SMEDAN and ODCIMA.
Despite all the inputs from this farmer the initiator of OYDI, discouragement came from almost all the
areas. Looters at the metal fabrication centre, governments, some elders of the city and sadly from some
set of youth who to benefitted from this program.
At a time it appears that this mustard seed will never germinate. Surprisingly last year we begin to receive
signals that the seed is sprouting and coming out large in accordance with the word of God spoken in John
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it
die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”
The outcome of the seed was sprouting in different direction. Some the following happened as a result of
the seed planted by the initiatives;

Some of the NYSC members that served in Ondo Kingdom decided to stay back to utilize the skills and
empowerment they received from OYDI in Ondo. Thereby adding to the socio economic value of our
The tailoring units has trained hundreds of youths in fashioning designing and art of sowing using
modern machineries and resources. Some of these youths now have their fashion house established in
the City.
Letter of recognition was received from the office of the state coordinator of NYSC, Ondo state
appreciating our skill transfer programs to their Corp members. NYSC also is now OYDI to train their
Corp members not only for Ondo city but Ondo state at large. This made us believe OYDI effort are not
in vain.
Monthly Business clinic programs with the objective of arranging fifty entrepreneurs with a minimum
of one million naira monthly turnover in the next few months.
 – OYDI now have one of their own products from the tailoring unit as one the tutors for the centre. We are
Products from the youths of OYDI are now been sold in supermarkets in Lagos and overseas.
Acceptance of our local brand.
Resuscitation of our fashion line voluntarily from the youths of OYDI.
We now have more youths interested in running programs voluntarily for the centre. The youth are
beginning to be initiated into the initiatives.
Our programs has created more presence online for us than the centre website. Ekimogun,, now has a link with OYDI.
More organization are now in partnership with OYDI. Apart from our sponsors which Include MOTEL
PHOTOGRAPHY, MR NOODLES and lots more are now interested in partnering with us on youth
Though the road may seen rough and discouraging for the initiator. This is a message of encouragement
for the initiator and message of hope for Ondo youths. The mustard seed is sprouting.

Orisamuyiwa Dickson
CEO Perez & Peret Ventures
OYDI Beneficary



Let us kick-start this discourse by thanking Chief Femi Akinmade for inviting me to be part of this important occasion. Without mincing words, I give kudos to him for his vision and his untiring mission for youth development. Empowerment is a key to self reliance- a major panacea for youth unemployment ravaging our society today. The
maxim, “youths are leaders of tomorrow” must have impacted positively on him to spur him to embark on this laudable project, knowing fully well that the future really begins today. He has therefore asked me to speak to the youth on this occasion to challenge and motivate them. Information it is said, is power.

Who is a youth? Simply, a youth is defined as a young person. Youth is also a period of life from p u b e r t y { e m e rg e n c e o f d e fi n i t e s e x u a l characteristics} to the attainment of adolescence {full growth}. In terms of age it can be a period broadly speaking from between 12-14 years to 35- 40 years. This can also be defined as a period of one’s PRIME-period of greatest strength, beauty, vigor etc. so, we youths know ourselves! What is development? This is associated with growth. A process associated with the gradualgrowth of human beings, plants and animals.
Among human beings, development might be economic, having to do with production, distribution of goods and services and creation of wealth. It also can be social, relating to issues of health, education, housing and general welfare of the society or community. Of course, we all know that community or society relates to a group of people living together in a region, country or place having shared values, laws organization etc. From the foregoing, I have attempted these definitions with a view to focusing our attention on the topic of our seminar- Role of youth in the
development of the society

Youth and Development:
It is pretty clear that for development to take place, people must be involved in all spheres of endeavors. The youth in particular have a vital role to play in the development of the society. Theyhave special attributes which make them
particularly suitably for the task:
– they are the “foundation” for tomorrow,
– have vast resources in terms of numerical
– are active –virile in body and mind,
– have time at their disposal and are more exposed.
Flowing from the above it is safe to conclude that
youths are well positioned to be:
– drivers of the economy,
– human resources reservoir for the work force.
– leaders of tomorrow
– hope for the future and,
– catalysts for development
Biblically, youths are epitome of the kingdom of God , they are not to be despised, 1 Tim 4:12 not to be provoked to anger, Col 3:12. Along all these. Seemingly glowing attributes is the basic fact that to whom much is given, much is expected. With all the endowment comes the responsibilities too. The role of the youths is vital in development. From simple economics, there are three major factors of production viz: labor, capital and material. Of these three, the human resource component is very critical and this is where the youths come in. They are the agents of change or in the current parlance, agents of transformation.

Manpower Development:
In all these however, the youths must be well equipped to take up their rightful place in the society and effectively contribute to its development. Again the Bible admonishes “to get equipped while young” Lam 3:27 (NIV)
and also “work while it is day” Jn 9:4 (KSV) and so for the youths, the time is now to lay the foundation for tomorrow which is what I believe this seminar is all about. First, the youths have to be educated; Sound formal education is sine-qua-non for self development. Added to this is the need to acquire vocational and technical skills to be able to take up the challenges of leadership in the nearest future. There are many challenges in this regard, While access to primary and secondary education can be said to be liberal particularly in the south, the same cannot be said for enrolment in tertiary Institutions. The demand has far outstripped the supply in terms of available spaces in spite of what can be said described as the mushrooming of universities and other tertiary institutions. While government,
private bodies and individuals are making great efforts in this regard {provision of tertiary education}, the youth has to focus on getting himself to herself equipped. Added to the formal education in any particular field, there is needed for caution. There are so many courses that are not relevant to our immediate needs and in the desire to get enrolled in the Universities, anything {course} goes. This apart, whatever line of discipline is chosen, there is need more than ever before for entrepreneurial skills to complement ones formal education. This becomes very pertinent in our
current situation in which the opportunity for “white collar job” have dwindled greatly to the extent that the sector no longer has the capacity to absorb the teeming population of youths seeking employment. Focus should now be on being “job creators” rather than being “job seekers”. This, I believe is what entrepreneurship is all about. There
are various opportunities to key into but most importantly, one should know where to source for information; another goal of this seminar.

Intervention on Youth Development:
At the government level, I am aware that efforts are being made to incorporate entrepreneurship study into the education curriculum at all tiers and by now it should even be a policy. For the post school leavers, there are National Open Apprenticeship Scheme of the Federal Government through the National Directorate of Employment and the
Entrepreneurial development programme midwife by the ministry of commerce and industry now operated through the state ministry of employment labor and productivity. There are skill acquisitions centre in every local Government Area. Added to these are also private initiatives by religious bodies, private individuals and non governmental organizations (NGOs} on development of entrepreneurial skills. The Aid agencies are not left out: they partner with NGOs as well as government on youth development with emphasis on entrepreneurship. The focus is on small to medium scale enterprise development which is the pivot of economic development in most third world
countries. On a sad note however, it has been observed that youths have not sufficiently embraced or have refused to key-into some of these programmes. They have to some extent been overtly or covertly instrumental to the “killing” of some of the schemes. For instance here in Ondo, Chief Femi Akinmade has been making conscious efforts at skill acquisition to empower for realistic self actualization.
Instead of embracing the schemes, most youths have shunned them and worse still, some have gone ahead to loot some of the plants and machineries. But for this resilience and conviction, he would have abandoned the programme. There is the Skill Acquisition Centres in every Local Government to cater for the needs of primary and secondary schools leavers but enrolment at these centres has been abysmal low. The in-thing for the unemployed and even artisans is OKADA! How sad?

Information & Communication Technology ICT:
It is no longer news that the world we live in is a global village. The acquisition of ICT knowledge and utilization of its skills have revolutionized learning and business undertaking all over the world. For any youth to take on any leadership role in whichever sector of economy, sound ICT based knowledge is a MUST. The opportunities for ICT
entrepreneurship are enormous and the potentials to be explored and exploited are emerging daily. The focus here should not be on social networking alone {which I know our youth are vast in} but on the larger application in all spheres of endeavor. There are challenges: computer acquisition, power supply and even the know how etc. Things are definitely looking up and wagon is on the move, so join the moving train, you will be glad you did.
Granted that formal education and the right skills have been acquired, access to credit can be a great challenge that can hinder contribution to societal development. Here again, the role of government in providing a conducive environment for access credit is important if development is to be encourage and sustained. There are specialized agencies and financial institutions established by government to facilitate access to credit with little or no hassle compared to what obtains in private financial institutions like commercial banks, mortgage houses, financial houses etc. for medium and large scale enterprises, there is the bank of industry in every state of the Federation. For Agribusiness, there is the Nigerian Agricultural cooperative and Rural Development. Bank that offers credit at lower rates for small and medium businesses. There are also specialized agencies of government-micro credit Agency, small and medium enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria SMEDAN, Technological Incubation center of the Federal Ministry of Science Technology among others. All these are areas where information can be accessed.
Fortunately almost every public is now on the web so, one has to take advantage.

Other issues:
As earlier deposed, youth have important role to play in all facets of the economy. I have mainly focused on education and entrepreneurship in line with the objectives of this seminar. What has been said about youth empowerment to enable them face the challenges in areas of commerce and industry in applicable in all other sectors: real sector:- manufacturing and production, social sector-education, health and welfare and public
sector-government at all levels, defense etc.
Development in these sector is the same as that of society which should largely be driven by youths participation. Again, there are challenges in all sectors. There is general dissatisfaction with the scheme of things, lowered societal values, insecurity particularly with the rise of Boko Haram insurgency in the North, assassinations, kidnaping,
cultism, drugs and vaulting ambition leading to various crimes. Youth are not to sit on the fence or fiddle as it were “when Rome is burning”. The mantra, of some youth is “if you cannot beat them, join them”. This is total abdication of youths’ role in the society as agents of changes. Youths should take their rightful place, come in and make a
difference. There are worthy examples to emulate within and outside the shores of the land. Check in on the exploits of the Facebook founder, the late Apple CEO, our own Otedola and Dangote who have made giant strides in Fela Anikulapo Kuti and Professor Wole Soyinka all made their marks as youths!

I have to reiterate that youths have enormous role in the development of any society. They are well endowed to do this if they get themselves equipped early to take up the challenges. The Nigerian situation and even that of our immediate society have not offered much to cheer but Nigeria is an entity or vast potentials and tremendous
opportunities yearning to be trapped and harnessed for the greatest good of all. There is no other segment of the society that is well placed to cash-in on the situation other than the youths. So, arise, the moment is now to make a change. I thank you for your attention.

Olufemi Awani
July 2012.


We thank God for all the progress recorded at OYDI since inception to this moment. We sincerely
appreciate the dogged commitment of the Initiator, Chief Ernest Olufemi Akinmade to this initiative
and development of Ondo land especially the Youths. Our gratitude goes to the Chairman and
Members of the Board of Trustees both far and near for the contributions and support at all times. It is
noteworthy to mention few changes that had occurred in OYDI especially at the Administration
level. After the exit of Mr. Oludaisi Niyi in March 2015, Mr. Adeleye Adewale was employed in May
2015 to coordinate the programmes of OYDI till date. Miss Toyin Adewole was relieved of her duty
in December 2015 as Administrative Assistant of OYDI Centre Igba and she was replaced by Miss
Adewole Ayonitemi in January 2016, who is also tasked with the Coordination of the Centre as well
as development of Business Ideas that will ensure self-sustenance of the Centre. Mr. Eniola
Omokoku was also employed in January 2016 to be in charge of publicity, mobilization and serve as
liaison officer for the Organization. Miss Titilayo Alabede an old graduate of OYDI replaced Mr.
Akakpo Austin a Togolese on the 1st of July 2016 as the Head of the Tailoring Unit. We pray this new
set of people will help move this organization to greater heights.
The following are the people serving currently with the Organization as management;
1. Mr. Adeleye Adewale Richard – Programme Coordinator/Manager
2. Miss Adewole Ayonitemi – Centre Coordinator/Administrative Assistant
3. Mr. Omokoku Eniola – Programme Liason/Publicity Officer
4. Mr. Akakpo Austin – Tailoring Tutor
5. Mr. Otunla Adegunwa – Fishery Tutor (Beneficiary/Volunteer)
6. Mr. Orisamuyiwa Dickson – Entrepreneurship Training & Development(Beneficiary/Volunteer)

The following activities took place since December 2014 till date;
1. Restructuring of Fashion and Fishery training programmes, Maintenance of sewing machines,
embroidery and monogramming machines.
2. Purchase and presentation of new sowing machines to new Tailoring Graduates. 29 Machines had
been given so far in the last eighteen months.
Procurement and Presentation of Two new shoe making machines to two physically challenged
young men residents at Ogbonkowo street in ondo.
3. Clearing of Metal Fabrication Centre at Ugboje Community along Ore road
4. Discussion is on-going with the Ugboje Community for provision of Security Men for the Metal
fabrication Centre before works can start to restore the vandalized and burnt Center.
5. Securing and clearing of fish ponds at Lipakala Pavilion at Road 3 Funbi Fagun, Ondo under
arrangement with the Akinsipe Family for empowering Fishery Graduates
6.  A One day Seminar was Organised on 28th August 2015 at our Centre tagged Food Processing and
Preservation: Checking wastage and creating wealth in Nigeria. A lecture was presented on
Plantain derivatives and application by Mrs. A. A. Oladebeye, Lecturer, Food Technology
Department, Auchi Polytechnic, Other Speakers include Miss Roseline Owoyemi from OAU ,
and Mr. Otunla a Fish farmer and Mr. Dickson Orisamuyiwa who presented slides on Business
Models. It is interesting to note that both of these men were beneficiaries of OYDI programmes
and had been working closely with the organization. Over 70 participants were in attendance.
7. OYDI was well represented at the 2015 and 2016 Ekimogun Day Celebrations at The Civic Center
Ondo and our products were showcased.
8. Messrs. Modupe, Stephen Akinsunmade, Kola Ajasan, Dapo Ojo were empowered to revive their
Businesses. Mrs. Agnes Akintan was established in Foodstuffs Business.
9. Award of Scholarships and grants were made to underprivileged students in different Tertiary
institutions and Secondary Schools. Following were the beneficiaries;


NAMES                                                                                DETAILS
1. Miss Adetunji Deborah                     Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (B.Ed)
2. Miss Alasan Kuburat                        Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
3. Mr Funmilayo Rufus                        Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba (B.Sc)
4. Mrs. Akinloose Omowumi               School of Health Technology Akure
5. Mr Adebusuyi Adeniyi                      Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
6. Miss Adeyelu Oluwabukola             Adeyemi College of Educatio Ondo (NCE)
7. Miss Olagoke Abimbola                   Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
8. Miss Nifemi Daramola                     Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
9. Miss Akerele Olayemi                      All States College of Education Ero (NCE)
10. Miss Philip Oreofe                          Adeyemi College of Education Ondo (NCE)
11. Miss Olatuja                                    Miracle Holy Flock Grammar School, Ayeyemi Ondo



Our Goal for Year 2017
Fence off and refurbish the CENTER at Igba.
. The Tailoring unit will be opened to Customers from the Community for patronage
. Our embroidery and Monogramming services will be upgraded.
.Increase the OYDI products and brands
. To complete the renovation of the Fish ponds at Lipakala pavilion at Fagun, allocate them to our youths
and grant soft loans to start off their Fish farming. Our ultimate aim is to increase smoked fish
production in Ondo City.
. Activation of an ICT and Computer Services and Training Centre
. To meet with the Carpentry Association revisit and make the carpentry section more functional by
producing Educational materials such as Desk, Chairs, Tables other Educational wood-based
equipment for Schools through wood fabrications
. To partner with National and International organizations of like minds on youth empowerment and
business development.
. To continue to create more awareness of OYDI activities through features on radio/television, flyers,
partnering with schools, visitation to Establishments within and outside the Community, organizing
educative Seminars, competitive Agriculture and Fashion Shows and Awards for creative ingenuity
among youths.
. Continue to help showcase products by our graduates by participating in States’ and National Trade
Fairs and Shows.
. Economic Downturn and the dearth of Local private and government patronage to encourage
production and keep the youths actively engaged.
. Slow pace of cooperation between Assets Owners (farms, ponds, moribound companies) and
enthusiastic youths who are ready and willing to turn things around on revenue split partnership basis.
. Rural to Urban migration by youths seeking for jobs in fair but more industrialized communities.
.Community’s poor earning power.
. Preference for competition rather than cooperation and interdependence in business relationships
hence most of the businesses remain small: being a reflection of the application of available investment

Chairman’s Remarks

I congratulate Chief Femi Akinmade for yet another successful year of Ondo Youth Development
Initiative (OYDI), in an attempt to promote and develop the good people of Ondo city and beyond.
May the Lord continue to lift him up in all endeavors, Amen.
Nigeria would have been a wonderful place if we had all key into individual developmental
schemes fully supported by the government of the day. The issue of vices such as kidnaping,
corruption, vandalism, robbery and all sorts would not have been the order of the day.
Unemployment, joblessness amongst the youngsters keep raising daily.
Chief Obafemi Awolowo once said, education is for you to be able to read and write so that you are
not cheated but today the universities in this country are doing but nothing practically when
evaluated with the present achievement nationwide. Universities should be practical oriented
centers, furnished to equip her scholars for gainful employment opportunities afterwards but
reverse is the case in our country.
However, Chief Femi Akinmade saw the need for this huge task in Ondo city especially for our
people. An institute of learning practically that guarantees self employment for gainful
opportunities to checkmate poverty among the citizens. This is very unusual in this part of the
world and the government should look into this by rendering some measure of support and
encouragement for the furtherance of the vision.
An enabling and conducive environment should be created for the people to attain better results.
Industrialization should be promoted as well. Technical colleges, institutes that are practical
based are examples of our needs to having a better nation with stable electricity. Amongst others,
agriculture is another germane aspect we must explore.
Chief Femi Akinmade has an organization that caters for the livelihood of the people in Ondo city
and beyond. Such gestures must be encouraged and appreciated by the government for
sustainability and recovery from our dooming economic recession. We must and should key into
this agenda as a nation.
Once again, l congratulate Chief Femi Akinmade for his dogged contribution in developing and
building a future for our people. May the good Lord bless him and grow the Initiative.

Chief (Dr.) Ebenezer Olaseinde
Sagwe of Ondo Kingdom
Chairman, OYDI
December, 2016

2016 Annual Report



The solid foundation for promoting and maintaining the socio-economic development of Ondo
youths for generations to come through in various vocations, self-development and sustainability
,creating jobs through entrepreneurship in various industries focusing on available resources and
opportunities in Ondo Kingdom for the continuous advancement of humanity worldwide.


The mission of the Ondo Youth Development Initiative (OYDI) is to give opportunities to youths to
promote self-development and empowerment through skill acquisition, self-employment, and
personal growth, research and healthy commercial competition and economic advancement.
OYDI will continue to establish a series of youth development programmes in Ondo Kingdom,
catching them very young and encouraging them to put their vocational training to use in order to
contribute effectively and positively to the socio-economic activities of the Kingdom.


2012 Annual Report


The Ondo Divisional Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ODCCIMA) in conjunction with Ondo Youth Development Initiative (OYDI) organized a workshop on the 14th of July 2012 for which Motel Ondo Plaza was the major sponsor, with the theme: Effective Strategy for Economic Development of Ondo Kingdom.


p02-who_is_thisMr. Tomi Ikuomola Addressing Attendants of the Workshop


p01Workshop Banner



The objective of the seminar was to enlighten youths on the need and means to be self-sustainable in order to create an avenue to be entrepreneurs, job creators and provide a livelihood for themselves in their community and the country at large. This seminar was a huge success and the turn out was impressive with over 100 participants


Quarterly Seminars Organized by OYDI

Quarterly seminars were organized by OYDI with Motel Ondo Plaza as the major sponsor.

A special Seminar held on July 26, 2012 with the theme: The Role of Youths in the Development of the Society had a turnout of about 80 participants. We had dynamic resource individuals who spoke to the participants. The Seminar was addressed by High Chief Ilemobayo Akinnola The Lisa of Ondo kingdom. We had in attendance Dr Femi Awani (Commerce and Industry Expert, Mr. Gbenga Ogundeji (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria—SMEDAN ) represented by Mr Tomi Ikuomola (Small Scale Business Establishment and Management Expert), Miss Ify Odo (Renowned Fashion Designer – Misiano House of Fashion), Mrs Mary Agbajoh (Youth Development Advocate, Chief Greg Akinsipe, (Agricultural Expert and Member of the Ekimogun Green River Project, a body of farmers).

p02Chief Ernest Olufemi Akinmade (OYDI Launcher)


p01High Chief Bayo Akinola (Lisa of Ondo Kingdom), Delivering his Welcome Address


p04Dr. Femi Awani (Commerce & Industry Expert)


 p03Mr. Yele Akinsepe (Case Study, Quarry Development)


p08Ify Odo (C.E.O Misiano House of Fashion) Fashion & Entertainment


p07Attendants at the OYDI Seminar


Another Two Day Seminar was held on September 26 and 27, 2012 at the Motel Ondo Plaza which was the major sponsor. Over 90 participants attended and the theme was The Way Forward.

p02 Ify Odo (Left) & Mr. Tomi Ikuomole (SMEDAN Akure)



p04Attendants Having a Group Discussion



The role of SMEDAN  is to shed more light on the various ways business plans could be written so as to gain access to needed funds to start up a business. The agency is solely established by the Federal Government of Nigeria to see to the need of up and coming small and medium scale businesses so that more jobs can be created which would in return bring about growth and development to our great nation Nigeria. The Agency has been a pillar of support and encouragement to OYDI programmes.

Wema Bank Officials were on hand to discuss the roles of banks in funding small and medium enterprises and how business plans are evaluated. The bankers were upfront about discussing the loan process and this helped the youths to appreciate the trust behind loans.

The participants later broke into their various groups – classified namely: Agriculture; Fashion Designing; Business/ Merchandising; Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Metal/Industry/Manufacturing; and Wood Work. All these are functional groups supported by OYDI with synergistic cooperation amongst members. The seminar created an avenue for group members to network within their areas of specialization. Preliminary business plans were submitted by some of the participants.

Ten of the preliminary business plans for N500,000 or lower have been evaluated and approved for direct funding by OYDI starting January 2013. Other members with high capital requirements have applied to SMEDAN for support.


Ekiti Trade Fair

OYDI participated at the 2012 Ekiti Trade Fair from October 22nd-26th with the support of Professionals Experts and Energy Company (PEECO) Ltd and Motel Ondo Plaza. Members displayed their products and represented Ondo Kingdom very well. By the Grace of God, OYDI will continue to showcase products from Ondo Kingdom hence we should strive for quality products which OYDI stands for.


p06Mr. Olawale Fasanya (Head of Dept, Strategic Planning & Policy Coordination, SMEDAN HQ Abuja


p02Soap & Starch Produced by OYDI Member


 p04OYDI Coordinators



Where are we Today?

In fulfilling the programme’s aim to breed successful entrepreneurs, 106 serious youths have been identified and are being assisted with training and support. The programme will help create jobs, make youths become entrepreneurs and achieve their goals in life, eradicate poverty and unemployment among the youths in Ondo state. The response has been very encouraging and we are moving ahead to train fashion designers (22 are currently actively under training with sewing machines allocated to them), carpenters, metal workers and agriculturists (setting up or expanding) to be self-sustainable, creating partnerships where feasible. We are trying to put in place a revolving loan scheme aimed at funding and establishing businesses owned by youths that will create jobs, grow and in turn bring development to the society at large.

Finally, we thank God Almighty, who has been our strength, and our partners, Century Energy Services Limited, Nigerian Agip Exploration Ltd, and Motel Ondo Plaza who supported the launching in 2008 and most especially Motel Ondo Plaza that has continued to maintain and sustain the programme.

We believe we can continue to count on your support.