



Glory be to God Almighty who has no beginning and no end, the I AM THAT I AM, the Alpha and Omega
who is, and who was and who is to come the Almighty, the Awesome and True God who has given us life

To serve Him and our neighbours as well. We praise Him and thank Him for His blessings on the project
and the growth of the Ondo youths in every facet of their lives.

It is noteworthy that the Ondo youths have taken up the responsibilities of running OYDI themselves.
The responsibilities span from planning, programs, operations, commercialization and dreams realization.
The past two years have been very challenging as a result of the economic downturn, heavy rains/flooding;
which affected fishery development and ponds allocation as well as agricultural programs.
Our youths at OYDI confronted their challenges and with the help of God overcame them.
However,the ponds at Fagun will need reformation. The stream that runs through Fagun needs its flooding problem addressed.
The solution is to remove the constraint (a small culvert) which restrains free flow of water and causes
flooding when blocked.

It is heartwarming to realize that we can truly breed leaders of tomorrow by giving them hands on
Let them take decisions, let them make mistakes and let them learn from the mistakes.
They should be able to manage their own public, appreciate, train and help each other.
OYDI to the glory of God is breeding youths with integrity, foresight and management skills in practical terms. It is amusing to listen to them selling ideas to each other and reaching agreements on the way forward.
I used to think for them but they now take control of the management and running of the organization.

I thank God for those he has sent into OYDI, I thank my royal father; The Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom,
Dr.Victor Adesimbo Ademefun Kiladejo Jilo III, His chiefs, the chairman of ODC Otunba Noah Fadayomi,
OYDI Board of Trustees and OYDI friends, Zenith Club of Ondo, D’core Club of Ondo and companies
who have always supported us. I pray that God will greatly bless all of them, bless this vision and make
it a source for the true empowerment and growth of our youths in Ondo kingdom.
We should be proud of all our youths; let us give them the chance to play their roles effectively in the
society with our full support. This edition is packaged by the youths themselves and contains unedited
reports of how they have been able to manage the affairs of OYDI. I am confident that with time they
will improve greatly.
God bless our King-The Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom, God bless Ondo Kingdom with its citizens, and
God bless you all Amen. Thank you.

Chief Ernest Olufemi Akinmade fnmgs, fnape
Bameto of Ondo

November 2016