Eight years ago Chief Femi Akinmade brought a wonderful seed ONDO YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
PROJECT to Ondo Kingdom. This seed can be compared to the one our Lord Jesus Christ describe in
Mark 4 vs 31 & 32
“It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown to the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in
the earth. But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out
great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.”
The Initiator of OYDP later OYDI like a good farmer prepared a large field and fertilize it to accommodate
the size of this big tree he expected from the mustard seed by doing more than following;
The Initiator of OYDP later OYDI like a good farmer prepared a large field and fertilize it to accommodate
the size of this big tree he expected from the mustard seed by doing more than following;
Setting up of three vocational centre <tailoring, metal and wood fabrication centre> with world class
Acquisition of fesolas building worth millions of naira to accommodate the tailoring and wood
fabrication centre.
Acquisition of 32 plots of land along Laje Road for various youth projects.
Distribution of annual scholarships to both indigenes and non indigenes to further their studies.
Distribution of interest free loan to youths of Ondo City.
Empower programs for youths, widows, women and men of Ondo City.
Seminars and business training programs from SMEDAN and ODCIMA.
Despite all the inputs from this farmer the initiator of OYDI, discouragement came from almost all the
areas. Looters at the metal fabrication centre, governments, some elders of the city and sadly from some
set of youth who to benefitted from this program.
At a time it appears that this mustard seed will never germinate. Surprisingly last year we begin to receive
signals that the seed is sprouting and coming out large in accordance with the word of God spoken in John
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it
die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”
The outcome of the seed was sprouting in different direction. Some the following happened as a result of
the seed planted by the initiatives;

Some of the NYSC members that served in Ondo Kingdom decided to stay back to utilize the skills and
empowerment they received from OYDI in Ondo. Thereby adding to the socio economic value of our
The tailoring units has trained hundreds of youths in fashioning designing and art of sowing using
modern machineries and resources. Some of these youths now have their fashion house established in
the City.
Letter of recognition was received from the office of the state coordinator of NYSC, Ondo state
appreciating our skill transfer programs to their Corp members. NYSC also is now OYDI to train their
Corp members not only for Ondo city but Ondo state at large. This made us believe OYDI effort are not
in vain.
Monthly Business clinic programs with the objective of arranging fifty entrepreneurs with a minimum
of one million naira monthly turnover in the next few months.
 – OYDI now have one of their own products from the tailoring unit as one the tutors for the centre. We are
Products from the youths of OYDI are now been sold in supermarkets in Lagos and overseas.
Acceptance of our local brand.
Resuscitation of our fashion line voluntarily from the youths of OYDI.
We now have more youths interested in running programs voluntarily for the centre. The youth are
beginning to be initiated into the initiatives.
Our programs has created more presence online for us than the centre website. Ekimogun mirror.com,
shopng.com, vconnect.com now has a link with OYDI.
More organization are now in partnership with OYDI. Apart from our sponsors which Include MOTEL
PHOTOGRAPHY, MR NOODLES and lots more are now interested in partnering with us on youth
Though the road may seen rough and discouraging for the initiator. This is a message of encouragement
for the initiator and message of hope for Ondo youths. The mustard seed is sprouting.

Orisamuyiwa Dickson
CEO Perez & Peret Ventures
OYDI Beneficary